Going into the second project which was titled identity, i took some of my own images of trees because I took on a nature theme on the left are images of some of my favourite things. And on the right are my own images of trees.

Carrying on my research I looked at more pop art and some futurism. On the left i did my own version of a Blake using watercolour paints and biro. On the right I did my own version of a futurism painting using watercolour paints.

I also looked at some abstract art for research; consisting of Mondrian and Hoffmann. I did my own version of Mondrian on the left. And on the right i did a composition of differently coloured pieces of cotton to create a collage on a black paper background.

On the left is a collage of advertisements and things that are posted through your letter box. on the right are some examples of impressionist work mainly by Van gogh and Monet. There is also a description of impressionist techniques in the bottom left of the right page.

I took some of my own photos (on the right) and manipulated them using a computer, the images on the left are from the internet, i also manipulated these for different textures, effects and colour schemes.
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